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CSRC rules
CSRC Rules/Regulations/Policies
As provided for in the CSRC Bylaws, the CSRC Board of Directors has adopted these rules and policies to protect the health and safety of pool members and their guests, and to provide maximum enjoyment of Club facilities for all.
CSRC is committed to maintaining a welcoming, relaxing, family-oriented atmosphere. We expect members and guests to follow these rules and policies, and to be courteous and respectful towards one another, and to pool staff and service providers.
The Pool Manager and staff are authorized to enforce these rules in a consistent and impartial manner. The Bylaws set forth additional possible penalties/actions for infractions of these rules, up to and including suspension or termination of membership.
Please let the Pool Manager, CSRC Board President (moc.liamg@tnediserploopvehc ), or CSRC Board Vice President (moc.liamg@pvloopvehc ) know if you observe conduct contrary to these ideals. Depending on the nature of the conduct, those individuals may refer the matter to the Board’s Policy Committee for further investigation and action as provided for in Article IV, Sections 7 and 8 (among others) in the CSRC Bylaws.
Admission Policies
- Members and guests must enter through the front desk entrance. (See guest policies below)
- Members will be admitted to the CSRC grounds after they have had their membership photo-verified by the front desk staff.
- Members whose pictures are not captured in the online database may present a government-issued picture id and a picture will be taken at that time for the database.
- If a membership has not paid their current dues associated members will not be allowed into the facility.
- Members may sign in for minor children.
- All children under twelve years of age must be accompanied by an individual who is eighteen years of age or older, who must provide careful supervision, particularly in the water.
- CSRC reserves the right to deny admission to any person who is or who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Pool Rules/Policies
Members and guests must follow these rules and any additional instructions of CSRC and contracted pool staff, whom the Board has empowered to enforce the rules. Multiple rule infractions may lead to progressive disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by pool staff, or referral to the Board Policy Committee for further action.
Progressive discipline includes “time-outs,” the duration and location of which will be determined by the issuing staffer/manager. Continued violations will involve parent/guardian conversation in the case of minors, with further violations to include requests to leave the Club for the day and referral to the Board’s Policy Committee for further action.
In the water:
- Rough play, particularly that which creates an unsafe situation for any swimmer, is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to dunking, pulling another swimmer underwater, and sitting on someone’s shoulders. The lifeguards will call out rough behavior and may use their discretion to discipline swimmers for unsafe behavior.
- An Adult Swim period will be called at least once every hour for a total of no fewer than 15 minutes, at the discretion of onsite pool manager.
- During Adult Swim, all swimmers under 18 years of age are required to be out of the main pool and wading pool. Hand-held infants (1 year old maximum) with an adult are allowed in the Main Pool during the Adult Swim period.
- Only children 6 years old or younger may use the round wading pool and must be accompanied by an adult, except during Adult Swim.
- Members and guests must stay clear of lifeguard chairs and may not engage guards in conversation while they are on duty.
- Toys and other articles that, in the opinion of the CSRC lifeguard staff, constitute a safety or health hazard are not permitted in the Main Pool.
- Flotation devices of any kind are not allowed in the Main Pool, except as announced by CSRC (for example, special events or “Float Mornings”).
- Swim fins and kickboards may only be used in lap lanes. CSRC lifeguard staff reserves the right to restrict the use of these articles at any time.
- Lap lanes must be shared with other lap swimmers.
- Cut-offs (pants cut off to substitute for a swimsuit) are not allowed, nor is any clothing displaying obscene or suggestive language or imagery, or that does not appropriately cover a bather’s body.
- CSRC adheres to all Federal, State and County regulations with regard to pool operation.
Diving boards, slide, and well:
- Individuals who have passed the swim test (administered by a CSRC lifeguard) may use the boards, slide, or swim in the well. The swim test requires being able to swim from one side of the well to the other and back, and be able to tread water for 30 seconds.
- Tthe dive board and slide are only open when the well is closed to swimmers by the lifeguards.
- Only one person on the diving board or slide at all times.
- Wait at the bottom of the diving board or slide ladder until it is your turn.
- Do not bounce excessively on the diving boards.
- Do not dive or slide until the person before you is out of the well.
- Use the ladders to exit the well.
- The well will be open for general swimming for the first 10 minutes after each Adult Swim. Thereafter, the lifeguards may open or close the well for general swimming at their discretion.
Grounds Rules/Policies
- Running, rough play, or other objectionable personal conduct on CSRC property is prohibited.
- Any individual who uses objectionable language or engages in improper actions may be suspended or expelled.
- Activities which damage trees and shrubs are prohibited.
- Pets are not allowed on CSRC property, nor are they to be tied to the fences.
- Smoking, vaping, use of E-cigarettes or similar devices, or use of tobacco, marijuana, or any controlled substances on CSRC property is prohibited.
- Thunder and/or lightning:
- When thunder is heard, the water and decks will be cleared but people may remain on the grounds.
- When lightning is seen, the grounds will be cleared and members must shelter in their vehicles.
- The pool will close for 30 minutes and will remain closed for an additional 30 minutes each time thunder is heard or lightning is seen.
- CSRC uses a text alert system to notify members of weather closings. To establish your Alerts, text “POOL” to 888-606-0674.
- The pool/grounds may be closed at any time, at the discretion of the Pool Manager.
- Food and beverage:
- Members and guests are required to dispose of trash and recyclables in the provided receptacles.
- Propane and charcoal grills are available for use. Fuel is provided, however please bring your own tools. When done using charcoal grill, spread out the coals to allow them to die down. Clean up after yourself when finished.
- No glass containers are permitted on CSRC property.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on CSRC property, with the exception of Friday evenings after 5:00 pm and at other times announced by CSRC
- Members may invite their guests to use Club facilities in accordance with the policies and fees set by the Board.
- Members must register their guests at the front desk, including arranging for payment of applicable guest fees. Guest fees are not refundable.
- Any member who knowingly permits a guest to gain entrance to the Club under false pretenses is subject to suspension or expulsion.
Loss, Damage, or Theft of Property
- Property damage or other expenses stemming from violations of these rules by a member, a member’s child or a guest will be charged to the member.
- The Club is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
- Any Club member who trespasses or is on the Club property at times not authorized by the Board of Directors is subject to a $50 fine for the first offense. Until the fine is paid, no member of that family membership is allowed access to Club facilities. If the fine is not paid within 15 days of the offense, further disciplinary action will be taken against the membership. Continued offenses or an offense resulting in damage to or theft of Club property will result in higher fines, restitution, suspension, expulsion and/or prosecution under the law.
Statement of Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
CSRC prohibits harassment or discrimination by CSRC employees, supervisors, members, guests, or service providers on the basis of a protected characteristic. Under this policy, harassment or discrimination are defined as verbal, written or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law, or that of his or her relatives, friends or associates, and that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
CSRC encourages reporting of all perceived incidents of discrimination, harassment or retaliation, regardless of the offender’s identity or position. Individuals who believe that they have been the victim of such conduct should discuss their concerns with their immediate supervisor (in the case of a workplace harassment/discrimination situation), or the CSRC Board President (moc.liamg@tnediserploopvehc) or CSRC Board Vice President (moc.liamg@pvloopvehc ). These individuals will consider whether further investigation is warranted and, if so, will convene the Board’s Policy Committee to take such actions. The Policy Committee’s recommendation will go to the full CSRC Board in keeping with the Bylaws (among other sections, Article IV Sections 7 and 8).
CSRC also encourages individuals who believe they are being subjected to such conduct to promptly advise the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome and to request that it be discontinued. Often this action alone will resolve the problem. CSRC recognizes, however, that an individual may prefer to pursue the matter through complaint procedures.